Mahindra has unleashed its latest offering, the Bolero Neo Plus, which essentially serves as the facelifted version of the TUV300 Plus. Available in two variants, namely P4 and P10, the Bolero Neo Plus comes with price tags of Rs 11.39 lakh and Rs 12.49 lakh (ex-showroom), respectively.
On the exterior front, the Bolero Neo Plus sports a refreshed look, featuring a new grille, tweaked bumpers, and adorned with Mahindra’s new logo, imparting a modern and stylish appeal. Inside the cabin, noticeable upgrades include a Bolero Neo-inspired instrument cluster and steering wheel, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.
In terms of features, the Bolero Neo Plus is equipped with a 9-inch touchscreen infotainment system, manual air conditioning, and dual front airbags, ensuring a comfortable and safe driving experience for passengers.
Under the hood, the Bolero Neo Plus packs a punch with its single 2.2-litre diesel engine, coupled with a 6-speed manual gearbox, delivering robust performance and efficiency on the road.
Initially introduced as an ambulance model in mid-2023, the Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus has now transitioned into a versatile passenger vehicle, catering to the diverse needs of Indian consumers. As part of Mahindra’s facelift strategy, the TUV300 Plus has been rebranded as the Bolero Neo Plus, signaling a new chapter in the iconic Bolero lineage.
With its blend of rugged durability, contemporary design, and advanced features, the Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus is set to make a lasting impression on the Indian automotive landscape, offering an enticing proposition for SUV enthusiasts across the country.